Process Improvements
Things you can do right now to improve any process in your business and save you time and money.
Is there ever a time in your business where you find yourself crawling on the floor dreading to get to your office just to get it done?
Maybe it just takes way too much time and you know there is a better way but you just want to focus?
Do you get constantly interrupted and you can’t ever manage to complete this task EVER?
Let’s change that! You don’t have to leave things as the status quo. Below are some helpful tips that will take your annoying process and help you create a seamless flow.
Lets take for example bookkeeping.
The first thing I want you to do is think about what ISN'T” working about the process and either write it down or make a mental note.
Here’s the problem:
You can’t find all your receipts or invoices in your folder system
Your emails are out of control or you have to search for everything you want
You keep getting interrupted by someone or something
It’s taking way too much time to complete
While there are multiple ways to improve this process, I am going to stick to just a few general solutions to help you think through what you're currently doing and how we can make it better - quickly.
What would your ideal solution look like (in this case it’s pretty obvious).
Take less time
Create an easier way to find emails
Make my documents more organized
STOP the interruptions
Now let’s chat solutions:
Create rules or labels in your email system to easily flag receipts and invoices. (not more searching)
Organize your folders so you can easily find and save each item
Time block your schedule and only do your bookkeeping when you will have less interruptions. (after the kids are in bed or earlier in the morning).
Increase the frequency of bookkeeping until you are spending a more appropriate amount of time on it
You don’t have to live with frustrating processes but you DO have to make time to improve them. I know that you’re busy, so if you’re finding that you don’t have the time to get it done, and you KNOW you need to - Let’s chat to see how we can work together to create the office system of your dreams! Believe me - it can be done!
Book your complimentary consultation HERE